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Your launchpad to the

Kingdom of  
Saudi Arabia

We understand the complexities of registering a business in an unfamiliar country. We’re here to help make the setup easy, so you can focus on growing your business in the Kingdom. Our bespoke solutions have you covered.

Company incorporation and post-incorporation services

100% Foreign ownership with minimum capital

Licensing, finance,
HR and management services

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One-stop back office provider

Nr. 1

Largest stock market in MENA region

$1.85 TN

Real GDP in 2023


Non-oil sector's contribution


of population under the age of 35

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Clients consider us a pivotal investment advisor in Saudi Arabia thanks to over 20 years experience in strategic consultancy, due diligence, human resources, administration and incorporation of turnkey business vehicles.

We help you grow!

From our initial expert consultation we will learn about you and your business and develop the best plan to help set up your business in the Kingdom. We will advise and guide you through all the necessary steps to ensure you are legally compliant to operate and grow your venture in Saudi Arabia. Our approach consists of three main steps.
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1. Business Incorporation

From the acquisition of foreign investment licenses to the issuance of commercial registrations and special operating licenses.

2. Business Post-Incorporation

Setup of mandatory requirements such as: Human Resources (social and medical insurances, employment contracts etc.), finances and taxes, municipality, bank accounts etc.

3. Business Operation

Back office operations to make your company compliant with local regulations in terms of licensing, Human Resource, fiscal and statement declarations. Plus ongoing support.

Your one-stop back office provider

We recognize that your back office requirements will change depending on the maturity, size and complexity of your business. That's why we support you wherever you are in the life cycle, ensuring you are well-compliant to the regulatory environment of the Kingdom.

Why choose us?

Diverse Portfolio

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One-Stop Back Office Provider

20+years of
Expert Consultation 

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Ongoing Support

Our Valued Clients

Focus on your core business while we take care of the rest!

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Norah Square

7843 - Takhassusi 

Al Mohammadiyah District

Unit 8681, Office B-7, Level 2

12363 - Riyadh, SaudiArabia

© Ceraqua LLC, 2024. All rights reserved.

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